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What is a Trauma-informed tattoo artist?

Although my brand is called Ink is Therapy, unfortunately, does not mean that getting tattooed can replace traditional therapy. It is a great coping mechanism, however, that is only if it is a healthy one. Tattoos are an amazing way to help reclaim your body after suffering from trauma, an accident or illness as they can help to regain confidence. This should not replace long-term therapy. You still need to take care of your mental health and seek professional help if needed. For people battling self-harm, tattoos can be a coping mechanism, however, you must be mindful that you are not reliant on it and seek professional help when needed. I am not a therapist. My business model and approach are based on my personal experience and my prior work experience as a trauma-informed yoga instructor with my Masters in Reiki. Through my work, I have learnt how the body stores trauma, and how to position clients in a way that makes them feel safe and does not trigger trauma. Having my Masters in Reiki gave me a deeper understanding of the human body and trauma. To put it simply, trauma-informed tattooing is a concept and way of tattooing that is sensitive and accommodating to the fact we all have trauma to a certain degree and that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work for everyone. I love hearing clients’ stories and having them feel safe/comfortable enough to do so. That being said, please be sensitive to my own trauma during appointments and via email using trigger warnings.

How do I create a safe and comfortable environment?

My commitment to my clients is to create a safe and empowering experience from start to finish. I do this by being client-centered and person-informed. What you select, down to size and placement is guided by you- I’m able to offer my opinion, but it is your body, your tattoo, and your choice. If you have any hesitation or concerns at any point- before, during and after, I encourage you to share with me. Open, direct, and respectful communication is something I prioritize, and this extends to social media and online spaces. I invite you to share your feedback with me, to ensure that I can continue to grow and learn in this industry and provide the best experience for all my clients. The best way to do so is by email We frequently monitor our social media and remove any bullying / negative comments directed at anyone- including us- as our commitment is to create a safe space for all. Your comfort is my priority: My waivers have the option to choose how you’d like your appointment to go including: - The use of your preferred name/ pronouns. - If you want a fidget toy and/or stress ball during the appointment. - If you want to chat during your appointment or have a silent appointment. - If any conversation topics could be triggering to you and/or you don’t want to talk about. - To list relative allergies that you have that may interfere with the tattooing process. -I occasionally use an oil diffuser so the waivers include an option to write any scents you like or any that you have sensitivities to / can be triggering.

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